Friday, March 9, 2018 3:30 pm
3:30 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)
Title: Chromatic Symmetric Functions and H-Free Graphs
Speaker: | Angèle Hamel |
Affiliation: | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Room: | MC 2038 (not 5501) |
Chromatic symmetric functions are defined in terms of colourings of particular graphs. Some key conjectures in this area concern whether chromatic symmetric functions of claw-free graphs can be written in terms of other symmetric functions with positive coefficients. Here we extend the claw-free idea to consider the e-positivity question for chromatic symmetric functions of H-free graphs with H ={claw, F}, where F is a four-vertex graph. We settle the question for all cases except H={claw, co-diamond}, and we provide some partial results in that case. This is joint work with Chinh Hoang and Jake Tuero.