Tutte Colloquium - Bruce Richmond

Friday, June 5, 2015 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Non-crossing partitions

Speaker: Bruce Richmond
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: MC 5501 

Abstract: It is well known that a partition, $\pi$, of an n-element set
S = 1,2,..., n is a set of disjoint subsets, called blocks,
such that the union of the blocks equals S. If in addition the blocks
of $\pi$ have the property that if $V_{i}$ and $V_{j}$ are any two blocks
of $\pi$ then it is not possible to have a < b < c < d where
$a, c \in V_{i}$ and $b,d \in V_{j}$ then $\pi$ is called non-crossing.
It is surprising to me that non-crossing partitions arise in several
seemingly unrelated contexts, geometric group theory (braid groups),
free probability, matroid theory and as pointed out by W. T. Tutte also
in the Birkhoff-Lewis equations arising in map-colouring.

Most of the talk will present facts following Boyu Li's Masters thesis.
The last part of the talk will sketch joint work with B. Li and A. Nica.
It will describe functional equations which define generating functions
for NC-partitions with various restrictions on the blocks. This allows
one to determine the distributions defined by these families of