Tutte Colloquium - Jamie Sikora

Friday, August 2, 2019 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Optimization and Cryptography in Generalized Physical Theories 

Speaker: Jamie Sikora
Affiliation: Perimeter Institute
Room: MC 5501


In this talk, I will discuss three important cryptographic tasks in the quantum and post-quantum world. I will discuss the impossibility of bit-commitment and coin-flipping, and also the possibility of physically unforgeable money in the framework of Generalized Physical Theories (GPTs). GPTs have a rich convex structure which allows the use of convex optimization to analyze their properties. Our proofs rely crucially on cone programming, a natural generalization of semidefinite programming.

This is based on work with John Selby: arXiv:1711.02662, arXiv:1803.10279, arXiv:1901.04876.