Tutte Colloquium - Nantel Bergeron

Friday, May 27, 2016 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Following Pipe Dreams

Speaker: Nantel Bergeron


York University
Room: MC 5501

Abstract: Together with Sara Billey in 1993, we have introduced combinatorial objects to encode monomials occurring in Schubert polynomials. At the time, we called them RC-diagrams as they encode some positioned reduced expressions for a given permutations. They were renamed Pipe Dreams by Knutson and Miller as their pictorial representation evoke the Pipe Dream game from the same era.

As it turn out, these combinatorial objects are interesting in many con-
texts. In our original work they were envisioned as a generalization of Young tableaux. Later they were used by Knutson and Miller to encode the toric degeneration of Schubert varieties. This naturally led them to introduce some simplicial complexes of subwords that are conjectured to be polytopal in many cases. The faces of the polytope would be indexed by certain pipedreams.

Very recently, with Pilaud and Ceballos, we have introduced new algebraic
operations on pipe dreams. By considering subalgebras, we exhibit very
interesting families of pipe dreams that are enumerated by Catalan number Crn+1 for a x r. A well we have a family that is in bijection with certain lattice paths studied by Bousquet-melou and Mishna.