Tutte Colloquium - Ricardo Fukasawa

Friday, July 29, 2016 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: The chance-constrained vehicle routing problem

Speaker: Ricardo Fukasawa
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: MC 5501


A classical combinatorial optimization problem is the capacitated
vehicle routing problem (CVRP), where one seeks to find a minimum cost
way to serve a set of clients, using a given fleet of vehicles for
visiting each client exactly once. Each vehicle is assumed to have a
given capacity and each client a given demand. The total sum of the
demands of the clients served by a vehicle must not exceed the
vehicle's capacity. This important problem has natural practical
applications and has been studied for decades.

In this work we consider the variation of the CVRP called the
chance-constrained vehicle routing problem, where demands are no
longer assumed to be known in advance, but rather they are assumed to
be random variables with given probability distributions and the
vehicle's capacity must be satisfied with high probability. We propose
two formulations to obtain the optimal solution to such problem. A key
distinguishing feature of our work over previous works on the problem
is that we consider arbitrary probability distributions, while most
previous works assumed independent normal distributions. Our
computational results show that our formulations are promising steps
towards the solution of larger scale instances of our problem. This is
joint work with Thai Dinh and James Luedtke.