Tutte seminar - Brendan Rooney

Friday, February 13, 2015 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Hardness of computing clique number and chromatic number for cayley graphs

Speaker: Brendan Rooney
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: Mathematics and Computer Building (MC) 5479


Computing the clique number and chromatic number of a general graph are well-known to be NP-Hard problems. Codenotti et al. (Bruno Codenotti, Ivan Gerace, and Sebastiano Vigna. Hardness results and spectral techniques for combinatorial problems on circulant graphs. Linear Algebra Appl., 285(1-3): 123--142, 1998) showed that computing clique number and chromatic number are still NP-Hard problems for the class of circulant graphs. This result demonstrates that the assumption of vertex transitivity does not make computing clique number or chromatic number easier. It also raises the question of whether there are classes of Cayley graphs for which these problems are easy to solve.

We outline a proof that computing clique number and chromatic number are NP-Hard for the class of Cayley graphs for the groups $G^n$, where $G$ is any fixed finite group. In particular, this shows that these problems are NP-Hard for cubelike graphs. Our method brings together: a construction for embedding graphs in Cayley graphs; quotients of groups; quotients of graphs; and, Goppa codes.