Tutte seminar - David Roberson

Friday, March 6, 2015 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Rigidity, Unique Vector Colorings, and Cores

Speaker: David Roberson
Affiliation: Nanyang Technological University
Room: Mathematics and Computer Building (MC) 5479


A vector $t$-coloring of a graph is an assignment of unit vectors to the vertices of the graph such that the inner product of vectors assigned to adjacent vertices is less than or equal to $-1/(t-1)$. The vector chromatic number of a graph is the minimum $t$ for which it admits a vector $t$-coloring. An $n$-coloring of a graph can be converted to a vector $n$-coloring by mapping the vertices of each color class to the vertices of a regular $(n-1)$-simplex. This shows that the vector chromatic number is always at most the chromatic number, but it can sometimes be much smaller. In this talk we will focus on finding graphs with unique (up to isometry) optimal vector colorings. Our main tool for finding such graphs will be a result from rigidity theory.

We will also investigate vector colorings of categorical products of graphs. In particular, we consider the following three statements:

  1. If $G$ and $H$ are uniquely vector $t$-colorable, then the only vector $t$-colorings of $G \times H$ are the convex combinations of the vector $t$-colorings induced by the factors.
  2. If $G$ is uniquely vector $t$-colorable and $H$ has vector chromatic number greater than $t$, then $G \times H$ is uniquely vector $t$-colorable.
  3. The vector chromatic number of $G \times H$ is the minimum of the vector chromatic numbers of $G$ and $H$.

These are vector coloring analogs of three statements considered by Duffus, Sands, and Woodrow. In particular, (C) is a vector analog of Hedetniemi's conjecture. We prove (C) and prove (A) and (B) for 1-walk-regular graphs. Lastly, we discuss a surprising connection between unique vector colorability and cores (graphs which do not admit homomorphisms to any proper subgraph).