Tutte seminar - Terry Visentin

Friday, March 27, 2015 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Some instances of the cyclic sieving phenomenon on increasing tableaux

Speaker: Terry Visentin
Affiliation: University of Winnipeg
Room: Mathematics and Computer Building (MC) 5479


Let X be a finite set, <g> a cyclic group of order n acting on X and f a polynomial in Z[q]. Then a triple (X,<g>,f) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon if for all m, the number of elements of X fixed by g^m is f(\omega^m) where \omega is an nth root of unity.

An increasing tableau is a Young tableau where the entries are increasing along rows and columns. Recently, Pechenik gave an instance of the cycling sieving phenomenon using jeu de taquin for increasing tableaux of rectangular shape with two rows.

In this talk, we'll discuss this result and an instance of cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux of hook shape. Since the polynomial f is usually a q-analoque of a counting formula for X, we'll begin with a summary of some enumerative results for increasing tableaux. This will involve looking at some generalizations of Schr\"oder paths. (Joint work with Tim Pressey and Anna Stokke.)