URA Seminar - URA Presentations

Monday, August 14, 2023 2:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: URA Presentations

Speakers: Benjamin Wong, Rick Lyu, and Yen-Kang Fu
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5479

Abstract: A series of presentations by a group of Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Assistants. The topics of each presentation are detailed below.

Quantum Max-Cut on Bipartite Graphs - Benjamin Wong

Unlike the classical Max-Cut problem, easy cases for the quantum equivalent of max-cut are not well understood. In this talk, we will see that solutions to the quantum max-cut problem can be determined by polynomial interpolation on the partition function of corresponding spin systems. In order to see the depth of this problem, complexity theory, Barvinok's method, and some basic quantum mechanics will be introduced.

Directed Graphs with Few Disjoint Directed Joins - Rick Lyu

In this talk we will first introduce the definitions of directed cut (dicut) and directed join (dijoin) and Woodall’s Conjecture. Then we note the motivating problems and define some important definitions. Finally we will talk about our work on trying to find counterexamples of Woodall’s Conjecture, the 3-layer graph and the hourglass graph.

An Attempt to Construct Privacy-Preserving Quantum Resistant SSH - Yen-Kang Fu

Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a widely used network protocol that allows two computers to communicate. However, there are some well-known privacy issues that has not been solved for more than 20 years. In this talk we will present a construction of a privacy-preserving authentication protocol that is also quantum resistant.