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Friday, September 27, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Tutte colloquium-Eric Blais

Graph Property Testing using the Container Method

Speaker: Eric Blais
Affilation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: The Graph and Hypergraph Container Methods have recently been used to obtain multiple striking results across different areas of mathematics. In this talk, we will see how the graph container method is particularly well-suited for the study of some fundamental problems in graph property testing.

The main problem we will discuss in the talk is the Independent Set Testing problem introduced by Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron (1998). In this problem, we are given oracle access to a graph on $n$ vertices that either (i) contains an independent set on $\rho n$ vertices, or (ii) is $\epsilon$-far from the property in the sense that at least $\epsilon n^2$ edges must be removed from the graph to make it have an independent set of this size. We will introduce a new container lemma for the latter class of graphs and we will show how this lemma can be used to obtain a near-optimal solution to the Independent Set Testing problem. We will also discuss how variants and extensions of the new container lemma can be used to prove a variety of other results in property testing.

This is joint work with Cameron Seth.

Friday, October 4, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Tutte colloquium-Debbie Leung

Title: Purifying arbitrarily noisy quantum states

Speaker: Debbie Leung
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: Quantum state purification is the task of recovering a nearly pure copy of an unknown pure quantum state using multiple noisy copies of the state. We derive an efficient purification procedure based on the swap test for qudits of any dimension, starting with any initial error parameter. For constant initial error parameter and dimension, our procedure has sample complexity asymptotically optimal in the final error parameter, and almost matches the known optimal protocol for qubits. Our protocol has a simple recursive structure that can be applied when the states are provided one at a time in a streaming fashion, requiring only a small quantum memory to implement.  Joint work with Andrew Childs, Honghao Fu, Zhi Li, Maris Ozols, Vedang Vyas. 


Friday, October 11, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Tutte colloquium-Jessica Striker

Title: Rotation-invariant web bases from hourglass plabic graphs and symmetrized six-vertex configurations

Speaker: Jessica Striker
Affiliation: North Dakota State University
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: Many combinatorial objects with strikingly good enumerative formulae also have remarkable dynamical behavior and underlying algebraic structure. In this talk, we consider the promotion action on certain rectangular tableaux and explain its small, predictable order by reinterpreting promotion as a rotation in disguise. We show how the search for this visual explanation of combinatorial dynamics led to the solution of an algebraic problem involving web bases and a generalization of the six-vertex model of statistical physics. We find that this framework includes several unexpected combinatorial objects of interest: alternating sign matrices, plane partitions, and their symmetry classes (joint with Ashleigh Adams). This talk is based primarily on joint work with Christian Gaetz, Stephan Pfannerer, Oliver Pechenik, and Joshua P. Swanson.


Friday, October 25, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Tutte colloquium-Subhadip Singha

Title: Concrete analysis of a few aspects of lattice-based cryptography

Speaker: Subhadip Singha
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: A seminal 2013 paper by Lyubashevsky, Peikert, and Regev proposed using ideal lattices as a foundation for post-quantum cryptography, supported by a polynomial-time security reduction from the approximate Shortest Independent Vectors Problem (SIVP) to the Decision Learning With Errors (DLWE) problem in ideal lattices. In our concrete analysis of this multi-step reduction, we find that the reduction’s tightness gap is so significant that it undermines any meaningful security guarantees. Additionally, we have concerns about the feasibility of the quantum aspect of the reduction in the near future. Moreover, when making the reduction concrete, the approximation factor for the SIVP problem turns out to be much larger than anticipated, suggesting that the approximate SIVP problem may not be hard for the proposed cryptosystem parameters.


Friday, November 8, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-R. Tyrell Rockafellar

Title: Problem Decomposition in Optimization:  Algorithmic Advances Beyond ADMM

Speaker: R. Tyrell Rockafellar
Affiliation: The University of Washington
Location: Main Hall, Federation Hall


Decomposition schemes like those coming from ADMM typically start by posing a separable-type problem in the Fenchel duality format.  They then pass to an augmented Lagrangian, which however can interfere with the separability and cause a slow-down.  Progressive decoupling offers a more flexible approach which can utilize augmented Lagrangians while maintaining decomposability.  Based on a variable metric extension of the proximal point algorithm that's applied in a twisted sort of way, progressive decoupling benefits from stopping criteria which can guarantee convergence despite inexact minimization in each iteration.   The convergence is generically at a linear rate, and for convex problems, is global. But the method also works for nonconvex problems when initiated close enough to a point that satisfies a natural extension of the strong sufficient condition for local optimality known from nonlinear programming.

This talk is held as part of the 26th Annual Midwest Optimization Meeting (“MOM26”).


Friday, November 15, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-Guoyin Li

Title: Proximal methods for nonsmooth and nonconvex fractional programs: when sparse optimization meets fractional programs

Speaker: Guoyin Li
Affiliation: University of New South Wales
Location: MC 5501

Abstract:Nonsmooth and nonconvex fractional programs are ubiquitous and also highly challenging. It includes the composite optimization problems studied extensively lately, and encompasses many important modern optimization problems arising from diverse areas such as the recent proposed scale invariant sparse signal reconstruction problem in signal processing, the robust Sharpe ratio optimization problems in finance and the sparse generalized eigenvalue problem in discrimination analysis.

In this talk, we will introduce extrapolated proximal methods for solving nonsmooth and nonconvex fractional programs and analyse their convergence behaviour. Interestingly, we will show that the proposed algorithm exhibits linear convergence for the scale invariant sparse signal reconstruction model,  and the sparse generalized eigenvalue problem with either cardinality regularization or sparsity constraints. This is achieved by identifying the explicit desingularization function of the Kurdyka-Ł ojasiewicz inequality for the merit function of the fractional optimization models. Finally, if time permits, we will present some preliminary encouraging numerical results for the proposed methods for sparse signal reconstruction and sparse Fisher discriminant analysis

The talk is based on joint work with R.I. Bo ̧t, M. Dao, T.K. Pong and P. Yu.



Friday, November 22, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-Kate Larson

Title: Soft Condorcet Optimization

Speaker: Kate Larson
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501


A common way to drive the progress of AI models and agents is to compare their performance on standardized benchmarks. This often involves aggregating individual performances across a potentially wide variety of tasks and benchmarks and many of the leaderboards that draw greatest attention are Elo-based. 


In this paper, we describe a novel ranking scheme inspired by social choice frameworks, called Soft Condorcet Optimization (SCO), to compute the optimal ranking of agents: the one that makes the fewest mistakes in predicting the agent comparisons in the evaluation data. This optimal ranking is the maximum likelihood estimate when evaluation data (which we view as votes) are interpreted as noisy samples from a ground truth ranking, a solution to Condorcet's original voting system criteria and inherits desirable social-choice inspired properties since SCO ratings are maximal for Condorcet winners when they exist, which we show is not necessarily true for the classical rating system Elo.


We propose three optimization algorithms to compute SCO ratings and evaluate their empirical performance across a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets, to illustrate different properties.


With Marc Lanctot, Ian Gemp, Quentin Berthet, Yoram Bachrach, Manfred Diaz, Roberto-Rafael Maura-Rivero,  Anna Koop, and Doina Precup



Friday, November 29, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-Vijay Bhattiprolu

Title: Inapproximability of Sparsest Vector in a Real Subspace

Speaker: Vijay Bhattiprolu
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract:We establish strong inapproximability for finding the sparsest nonzero vector in a real subspace (where sparsity refers to the number of nonzero entries). Formally we show that it is NP-Hard (under randomized reductions) to approximate the sparsest vector in a subspace within any constant factor. We recover as a corollary state of the art inapproximability factors for the shortest vector problem (SVP), a foundational problem in lattice based cryptography. Our proof is surprisingly simple, bypassing even the PCP theorem.

Our main motivation in this work is the development of inapproximability techniques for problems over the reals. Analytic variants of sparsest vector have connections to small set expansion, quantum separability and polynomial maximization over convex sets, all of which cause similar barriers to inapproximability. The approach we develop could lead to progress on the hardness of some of these problems.

Joint work with Euiwoong Lee. 



Friday, December 6, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-Robert Andrews

Title: Constant-Depth Arithmetic Circuits for Linear Algebra Problems

Speaker: Robert Andrews
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: What is the computational complexity of the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two univariate polynomials? The Euclidean algorithm provides a polynomial-time solution, and fast variants of the Euclidean algorithm can compute the GCD in nearly-linear time. The GCD can also be expressed in a linear-algebraic form. Basic tasks in linear algebra, such as computing determinants and solving linear systems, can be performed in O(log^2 n) parallel time, and this can be used to compute the GCD in O(log^2 n) parallel time. This algorithm does not take advantage of any structure present in the resulting linear systems, so in principle one could compute the GCD in parallel even faster.

In this talk, I will describe a new algorithm that computes the GCD in O(log n) parallel time by using a combination of polynomial interpolation and Newton's identities for symmetric polynomials. In fact, this algorithm can be implemented as an arithmetic circuit of constant depth. Similar ideas yield constant-depth circuits to compute the resultant, Bézout coefficients, and squarefree decomposition.



Friday, January 10, 2025 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Tutte colloquium-Thomas Lesgourgues

Title:Odd-Ramsey numbers of complete bipartite graphs

Speaker: Thomas Lesgourgues
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: In his study of graph codes, Alon introduced the concept of the odd-Ramsey number of a family of graphs , defined as the minimum number of colours needed to colour the edges of the complete graph so that every copy of a graph H in  intersects some colour class by an odd number of edges. In recent joint work with Simona Boyadzhiyska, Shagnik Das, and Kaline Petrova, we focus on the odd-Ramsey numbers of complete bipartite graphs. First, using polynomial methods, we completely resolve the problem when  is the family of all spanning complete bipartite graphs on n vertices. We then focus on its subfamilies. In this case, we establish an equivalence between the odd-Ramsey problem and a well-known problem from coding theory, asking for the maximum dimension of a linear binary code avoiding codewords of given weights. We then use known results from coding theory to deduce asymptotically tight bounds in our setting. We conclude with bounds for the odd-Ramsey numbers of fixed (that is, non-spanning) complete bipartite subgraphs.