Chris commenced a faculty position in the C&O department in 1987. His 32-year career in C&O has been marked by outstanding research and teaching accomplishments.
Chris is a world authority in the field of algebraic combinatorics, with particular expertise in the area of algebraic graph theory. His scholarly work over more than 40 years has had a profound influence on the development of the subject, and has impacted the work of many researchers working in mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry. More recently, he has been a pioneer in using techniques from algebraic combinaorics to tackle some fundamental questions in quantum information theory.

Also highly notable is Chris's success in graduate supervision. He has supervised 17 Ph.D. students and 20 Master's students at Waterloo, and continues to be very active in graduate student supervision. In 2015, he was the recipient of a University of Waterloo's Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision.