Quantum Optimization Workshop

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Quantam Optimization Workshop, October 27 - 29 2014. Fields Institute
Combinatorics and Optimization professors Tom Coleman and Michele Mosca are co-organizers of the Quantum Optimization Workshop to be held at the Fields Institute in Toronto from October, 27-29 2014.

Quantum-inspired technologies have begun to emerge in various areas of Science and Engineering. In the realm of quantum computing, researchers develop algorithms that carry the potential to solve extremely hard computational problems, which are currently intractable by conventional algorithms. Recent advances demonstrated the potential of quantum algorithms in tackling successfully well-known extremely difficult combinatorial problems.

The fundamental mandate of the proposed workshop is to provide a forum for both scientific presentations and discussion of issues related to what we call quantum optimization. Optimizations researchers will learn about the quantum technology and methodologies and the quantum researchers will learn about hard discrete and continuous optimization problems that may yield to quantum optimization approached.

Plenary speakers include Ashwin Nayak (C&O faculty member), Richard Cleve (C&O adjunct faculty member), and ex-C&O faculty members Andy Conn (IBM Research) and Bill Pulleyblank (United States Military Academy).​