The Distribution of Heights of Binary Trees and Other Simple Trees
CORR 1992-26
Philippe Flajolet, Zhicheng Gao, Andrew Odlyzko, and Bruce Richmond
A Computational Study of Graph Partitioning
CORR 1992-25
Julie Falkner, Franz Rendl, and Henry Wolkowicz
Order Series of Labelled Posets
CORR 1992-24
David G. Wagner
The Spectrum of Orthogonal Steiner Triple Systems
CORR 1992-23
Charles J. Colbourn, Peter B. Gibbons, Rudolf Mathon, Ronald C. Mullin, and Alexander Rosa
A Characterization of the Extremal Distributions of Optimal Normal Bases
CORR 1992-22
R.C. Mullin
Block Designs with Large Holes and α -Resolvable BIBDs
CORR 1992-21
Steven C. Furino and Ronald C. Mullin
On packings of pairs by quintuples: v≡3,9or17(mod20)
CORR 1992-20
R.C. Mullin and Y. Jin
On λ-covers of pairs by quintuples: v odd
CORR 1992-19
W.H. Mills* and R.C. Mullin
Near Subgroups of Groups
CORR 1992-18
D.G. Hoffman*, Sylvia Hobart* and Ronald C. Mullin
Hexagon-free subgraphs of hypercubes
CORR 1992-17
Marston Conder
On entropy maximization via convex programming
CORR 1992-16
Jonathan M. Borwein and Mark A. Limber
Dykstra's Alternating Projection Algorithm for Two Sets
CORR 1992-15
H.H. Bauschke and J.M. Borwein
Delta-matroids, Jump Systems and Bisubmodular Polyhedra
CORR 1992-14
Andre Bouchet and William H. Cunningham
Zeros of rank-generating functions of Cohen-Macaulay complexes
CORR 1992-13
David G. Wagner
Multipartition Series
CORR 1992-12
David G. Wagner
Some general problems on the number of parts in partitions
CORR 1992-11
L.B. Richmond
Shift Operators and Factorial Symmetric Functions
CORR 1992-10
I.P. Goulden and A.M. Hamel
A hypergeometric analysis of the genus series for a class of 2-cell embeddings in orientable surfaces
CORR 1992-09
G.E. Andrews, D.M. Jackson, and T.I. Visentin
The convergence of Burg and other entropy estimates
CORR 1992-08
A.S. Lewis
Facial Reduction in Partially Finite Convex Programming
CORR 1992-07
A.S. Lewis
On the Classification of Distance-Regular Graphs by Eigen-value Multiplicity
CORR 1992-06
William J. Martin and Rupert Ruopeng Zhu
Entropy Minimization with Lattice Bounds
CORR 1992-05
J.M. Borwein, A.S. Lewis, and M.A. Limber
On Convex Functions having Points of Gateaux Differentiabilty which are not Points of Frechet Differentiability
CORR 1992-04
J.M. Borwein and M. Fabian
Symmetric functions and Macdonald's conjecture for top connexion coefficients in the symmetric group
CORR 1992-03
I.P. Goulden and D.M. Jackson
Asymptotic Properties of Rooted 3-connected Maps on Surfaces
CORR 1992-02
Edward A. Bender*, Zhicheng Gao*, L. Bruce Richmond, and Nicholas Wormald
The Determination of optimal normal bases over finite fields
CORR 1992-01
Shuhong Gao