Sándor Fekete

Sándor Fekete completed his doctorate in Combinatorics and Optimization in 1992, under the supervision of Bill Pulleyblank, after a diploma degree from Cologne University in Germany in 1989. His thesis, entitled "Geometry and the Traveling Salesman Problem", considering geometric variants of classical problems from combinatorial optimization.

After extending his knowledge of Computational Geometry during a one-year postdoctoral stay with Joe Mitchell at Stony Brook University, Sándor returned to Germany, where he completed his habilitation in mathematics in 1998. He spent two years as Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department of TU Berlin, in the optimization group of Rolf Möhring, before accepting a tenured Associate Professorship in Mathematical Optimization at TU Braunschweig in 2001. In 2007, Sándor switched to a full professorship in Computer Science at TU Braunschweig. He served as Department Chair from 2009 to 2011, and was elected Director of the interdisciplinary Center for Informatics and Information Technology of TU Braunschweig (tubs.CITY) in 2011, and reelected in 2014. This center brings together more than 25 professors and their institutes from a wide range of fields, with an emphasis on Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

As of 2014, Sándor has published about 200 peer-reviewed papers on a wide range of topics. Many of them consider problems from optimization and geometry; others deal with decentralized systems and their algorithmics, or applied problems from robotics, engineering and economics. Sándor also takes pride in his teaching to all ages; for his first-year class on Algorithms and Data Structures with more than 300 students, he won the TU Braunschweig Teaching Award "LehrLEO" in 2014.​