1999 participants and projects

Chiu Fan Lee

Home university: 

McGill University


Bruce Richmond

Research area: 

Asymptotic Enumeration

Update 2008: 

Physics Department, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, U.K.

Donny Cheung

Home university: 

University of Waterloo


Alfred Menezes

Research area: 


Update 2008: 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Calgary

William Lewis

Home university: 

University of Waterloo


Alfred Menezes

Research area: 


Frederic Latour

Home university: 

University of Waterloo


David Jackson

Research area: 

Algebraic Combinatorics

Update 2008: 

Assistant Professor at Central Connecticut State University

Anne Broadbent

Home university: 

University of Waterlooo


Chris Godsil

Research area: 

Algebraic Combinatorics

Update 2008: 

Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo

Comments from participants

I now personally know professors in the department, and these connections are very good when it comes to applying to grad school or taking upper-year courses.

I met the other students (UGRA's). The Wednesday seminars facilitated my interaction with them, since we usually talked afterwards and sometimes went out for lunch. It it good to know students that share my mathematical interests.

I was very lucky to be able to attend a conference in Holland. Now, I know mathematicians from around the world! And I enjoy my classes more because I know that understanding the mathematics in my classes will help me understand more at the next conference!

The research was interesting. The relationship with my advisor was very relaxed. I was able to work on a current reserch project, and make some progress. The seminars were a nice break in the week, and gave everyone a chance to get to know each other. They were usually interesting too. The summer was a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

On the program:

I think the most important aspect of my summer here was the continual interaction with my supervisor and the grad students in his group.

The program was wonderful. It was a summer job that allowed me to research and study things that actually interest me.

The summer was very educational for me. I think that contact with the grad students was a key factor in this as well as making the work environment excellent.

On the seminars:

The seminars were a good way of learning about the different research that is going on in the department.

Since the seminars were directed at the summer students, they were at a level that I could understand. This was important for me.

I really had a totally positive experience at Waterloo. The atmosphere was friendly, advisors are committed. The weekly seminar was very well organised and through this, students can interact with each other and with the professors. I enjoyed doing research level mathematics a lot and I think this program provides an unique chance for undergraduates to have a taste of what mathematical research is like.