Communication Studies is looking for Undergraduate Assistants for upcoming terms!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Seeking Undergraduate Assistants for Fall 2024 and Winter 2024

The Department of Communication Arts is seeking Undergraduate Assistants to provide grading and instructional support in COMMST 101 – Theories of Communication, and COMMST 204 - Leadership, Teams, and Communication, to be offered in Fall 2024 and Winter 2025. COMMST 101 will address theories of interpersonal, mediated, and public communication; COMMST 204 will address theories of communication and focus on leadership and teamwork practices. Working a total of 140 hours (approximately 10 hours per week), the Undergraduate Assistants will attend lectures, hold office hours, and mark assignments. The positions will offer successful candidates opportunities to enhance their communication and critical thinking skills, to learn about post-secondary instruction, to collaborate with Communication Arts faculty members, and to apply many concepts addressed in these courses to their own plans of study. 

The undergraduate assistants will work up to an average of 10 hours per week (with some variation from week to week), earning $18 per hour. The appointments are for approximately 14 weeks, beginning in the first or second week of the fall term, with more work hours to be expected when assignments are due (for example, in the middle and towards the end of the term).


This position is open to third- and fourth-year undergraduate students currently studying at the University of Waterloo. Ideal candidates will have strong academic standing, significant work experience, and strong communication skills. Candidates will preferably have completed several courses in subjects based on critical thinking and written and verbal communication. Completion of courses in some or all of theories of communication, public communication, public speaking, interpersonal communication, leadership, and organizational communication would be an asset. 

Apply before June 24, 2024!

Please send an electronic résumé, the names and contact information of two references, a one-paragraph statement of interest, and an unofficial copy of your academic transcript to Adrian Buchanan. Requests for information may be directed to Tim Paci, Associate Chair, Communication Arts Undergraduate Communication Requirements. Review of candidates will begin on June 24th, 2024.