Course waiting list

COMMST, DAC, THPERF course override request & waiting list

If a course you wish to enroll in is full or you wish to request an override (reserves, pre-requisite, etc.), please fill in the form below.

Communication Arts students (COMMST, THPERF, CADP, DAC plans), if there is space in the course you want, please try to enroll in COMMST, THPERF or DAC courses before adding yourself to the waitlist.

Please note: 

  • There are no waitlists for the following courses: COMMST 100, COMMST 101, COMMST 223, COMMST 225. Monitor Quest for openings.
  • Fill out a separate form for each course you wish to be considered for. If you would like to request multiple sections of the same course, you can do so on the same form.
  • Please do not submit duplicate requests, it does not increase your chance of being accepted to a course.
  • Please keep an eye on your uwaterloo email, you will be sent a permission number if we are able to offer you a spot in your requested course. Permission numbers are only valid for 24 hours, so timely attention to your email is necessary. We cannot guarantee you a spot if you miss your 24 hour period.
  • Permission numbers are single-use and should not be shared with other students. It is the expectation that the permission number be used by the student the number is sent to. Students should not submit waitlist requests on behalf of other students.
  • If you have submitted a waiting list request and no longer wish to be considered for the course, please email Katie Honek ( to have your name removed.

Winter 2025 waitlists will be processed until the last day to add classes (January 17, 2025).  You are welcome to enroll in an alternative course until provide with the permission number to swap into the desired course.

For COMMST 204, please add yourself to the ARBUS waitlist