Proposals are invited from postdoctoral fellows and faculty at a
Canadian university for workshop funding on topics relating to complex
systems. The workshop will receive $8,000 in funding support from the
Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI). WICI is an
institute of the University of Waterloo with the mission to facilitate
transdisciplinary and collaborative research promoting innovation and
resilience within— and beneficial transformation of— the complex
adaptive systems at the core of human well being in the 21st century.
The workshop should be held between January 1, 2018 and April 30,
2018 and should be held at the University of Waterloo. Applicants are
also welcome to seek funding support from other sources in addition to
WICI funding.
To apply, please submit applications via email to Noelle Valeriote-
Hakim at n3hakim@uwaterloo.ca. Applications should include (1) a list
of organizers including affiliations and contact details, (2) a list of
potential and/or confirmed speakers or facilitators including
affiliations, (3) a 1-page description of the background, motivation,
objectives, and structure of the workshop, (4) a budget outlining the
need for WICI funding. The description should explain how the
workshop relates to complex systems. Applications that help advance
active WICI-related research areas will be preferred.
Review of applications will begin on October 25, 2017 and
applications will continue to be accepted until two workshop proposals
have been selected for funding. For further questions, please contact
the WICI Director Madhur Anand at manand@uoguelph.ca.