Affiliate researchers – External

Chloe Clifford Astbury

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Chloe Clifford Astbury is a post-doctoral fellow in the School of Global Health at York University in Toronto. Chloe’s research around complex systems has focused on the prevention of communicable and non-communicable disease, with a focus on the food system as a complex system from which health outcomes emerge. Her current projects involve applying complex system methods to understanding how the food system drives the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases, and how policies to reduce the risk of disease emergence intersect with the food system. Chloe also led the development of guidance on using systems approaches in non-communicable disease prevention policy on behalf of the World Health Organization and is interested in complexity training and teaching.

Brad Bass

Status Professor, School of Environment

Brad Bass is a researcher and member of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative team. His research interests include modelling complexity, water quality policy, management alternatives for reducing urban phosphorus loads into the Great Lakes and the economic issues around public policy. He is Associate Executive Director of the Foundation for Student Science and Technology, and Director of the University Research Experience in Complex Systems (URECS), which brings secondary school and university students together to explore the interaction between environmental change and health and also offers workshops on the simulation of environmental change and health, green infrastructure, networking and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Thomas Bury

Postdoctoral Researcher, McGill University

Thomas Bury is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University. He completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, and previously, he completed the Mathematical Tripos at the University Cambridge with first class honours, specializing in applications to biological and theoretical physics. Thomas is currently developing methods to better predict and classify cardiac arrhythmia.

Eric De Giuli

Assistant Professor, Physics

Eric De Guili is an Assistant Professor of Physics at the Toronto Metropolitan University, interested in emergence and self-organization in complex systems. His group is currently studying the origin of metabolism in chemical reaction networks, learning of syntax in human languages, and the plasticity of amorphous solids. 

Yue Dou

Assistant Professor, Natural Resource Department

Yue Dou, Assistant Professor, Natural Resource Department, ITC-Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Niall Douglas

ISO C and C++ programming language standards

Niall continues his research into standardising, taming and scaling complexity in computing systems via participation in multiple International Standards Organisation working and study groups. He currently works for MayStreet on the US SEC’s Market Information Data Analytics System (MIDAS), which analyses in real time all trades carried out in the United States.

Bill Flanik

Assistant professor, Colorado Mesa University

BA (political science), Virginia Commonwealth University, 2002; PhD (political science), University of Toronto, 2013. Dr. Flanik is an assistant professor of political science at Colorado Mesa University, where he teaches a broad range of courses in international relations, comparative politics, technology studies, and peace and conflict studies. His research and teaching interests are in U.S.

Scott Heckbert

Environmental economist, Alberta Innovates Technology Futures

Scott Heckbert is an environmental economist at Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Canada. Scott’s research applies environmental economics using simulation modelling of social-ecological systems.

Ilias Kotsireas

Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University

Ilias Kotsireas received his undergraduate education at the University of Athens (Greece) and the Universite Paris 6 (France). He earned his PhD from the Universite Paris 6 in 1998 holding a three-year scholarship from the Ministry of National Education.

Jon Mackay

Lecturer, Business Analytics, University of Auckland

Jon Mackay is currenty a lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Business Analytics at the University of Auckland. His research interests involve network theory, corporate governance, and business analytics more broadly. 

Hassan Masum

VP of Data Science, Prodigy

Hassan Masum is a policy and technology strategist, and Vice President of Data Science at Prodigy which aims to help everyone love learning. He was a team leader in the Ethical, Social, and Cultural Program for the international Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative, and has worked as an engineer, scientist, foresight specialist, consultant, and global health innovator.

Anthony Masys

Defence scientist, Department of National Defence, Defence Research and Development Canada

Anthony Masys is a defence scientist for the Department of National Defence, Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Security Science. Assigned as scientific advisor to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Major Events and Protective Policing Division, Dr. Masys supported both the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and G8/G20 summits.

Manjana Milkoreit

Post-doctoral research fellow, Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability

Manjana Milkoreit is a post-doctoral research fellow with the Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative at ASU’s Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability. Her research focuses on the role of cognition in climate change politics, and more generally the way cognitive processes such as imagination or scientific knowledge impact the search for and implementation of solutions to climate change.

David A. Petrie

Professor, department head, Dalhousie Department of Emergency Medicine

Dr. David A. Petrie, MD, FRCP is a Professor and the head of the Dalhousie Department of Emergency Medicine and the chief of the Central Zone, NSHA. After medical school at Dalhousie and an internship in Ottawa he worked for two years in small towns in Ontario and Nova Scotia.

Sam Petrie

Health System Impact Fellow

Samuel Petrie is a Health System Impact Fellow at University of Toronto and University Health Network. Originally from Halifax, he completed his BKI at the University of Waterloo in 2016, and his PhD in Health Sciences at Carleton University.

Simone Philpot

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainabilty

Simone Philpot is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Lab for Environmental Assessment and Policy at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia. Simone merges systems modelling and qualitative research techniques to examine environmental management and planning issues. She also works to integratea range of real-world decision motivators into decision support systems. 

Stephen J. Purdey

International relations specialist

Stephen James Purdey is an international relations specialist (PhD University of Toronto). His academic work focuses on the evolution of new forms of global governance to meet current socio-ecological challenges. Publications include Economic Growth, the Environment and International Relations: The Growth Paradigm (Routledge 2010) and The Normative Root of the Climate Change Problem (Ethics and the Environment 2012).

Amanda Raffoul

Postdoctoral Fellow

Amanda Raffoul is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) postdoctoral fellow with STRIPED, the Strategic Training Initative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders, based at Boston Children's Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Amanda received her MSc and PhD from the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo.

Rob Robson

Principal advisor, Healthcare System Safety and Accountability Canada

Dr. Rob Robson, MDCM, MSc, FRCP(C) is the principal advisor for healthcare system safety and accountability in Canada and recently served as the chief patient safety officer at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority for six years.

Sergio Rossi

Professor, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Sergio Rossi is a professor in the Département des Sciences Fondamentales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada). Before joining Chicoutimi in 2007, he obtained a master's in forest and environmental sciences and a PhD in forest ecology at the Università di Padova (Italy).

Matteo Smerlak

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Perimeter Institute

Matteo Smerlak studies the emergence of pattern in complex dynamical systems, most recently within the context of Darwinian evolution. His recent work has also explored the dynamics of economic inequalities, the quantification of resilience and the origin of scaling in biological growth.

Robert Spekkens

Theoretical physicist, Perimeter Institute

Robert Spekkens is a theoretical physicist who works on the foundations of quantum theory. He attended McGill University, pursuing a joint program in physics and philosophy and then completed an MSc and a PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Toronto.

Leah Stokes

Assistant professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

Leah Stokes is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She completed her PhD in public policy in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning Environmental Policy & Planning group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She also received a masters from MIT’s political science department.

Shreyas Sundaram

Assistant professor, Purdue University

Shreyas Sundaram is an assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He received his MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005 and 2009, respectively.

Isaac Tamblyn

Assistant professor, University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Isaac Tamblyn is an assistant professor of physics at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and holds a joint appointment with the National Research Council of Canada.

Mohamed A. Tawhid

Professor, Thompson Rivers University

Mohamed A. Tawhid got his PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Maryland, U.S.A. From 2000 to 2002, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Currently, he is a full professor at Thompson Rivers University, B.C. Canada.

Edward W. Thommes

Health outcomes manager, GlaxoSmithKline Canada

Edward W. Thommes is a health outcomes manager at GlaxoSmithKline Canada. In addition, he is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph researching multidisciplinary computational modelling under a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada [NSCERC] Discovery Grant.

Ola Tjornbo

Assistant Professor, University of Concordia and Principal, Archipelago Consultants

Dr. Ola Tjornbo is Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Human Sciences, at University of Concordia, and the Principal for Archipelago Consultants. Ola has a PhD in Global Governance from the Balsillie School of International Affairs looking at the role of social media networks in governance.

Tara Vinodrai

Assistant professor, University of Waterloo

Tara Vinodrai is an assistant professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) and the Department of Geography and Environmental Management as well as an assistant director of the Economic Development Program (EDP) at the University of Waterloo.