Eric De Giuli is an Assistant Professor in Physics at Toronto Metropolitan University, interested in emergence and self-organization in complex systems. Currently his group is studying the origin of metabolism in chemical reaction networks, learning of syntax in human languages, and the plasticity of amorphous solids.
Eric completed a H.BSc in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Toronto in 2006. He continued his studies at the University of British Columbia, obtaining a MSc in Geophysics in 2009, with a thesis on turbulence, and a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics in 2013, with a thesis on granular matter. He worked as postdoctoral fellow at New York University and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, with Matthieu Wyart, on the rheology of granular flow and the elasticity of glass. In 2017 he became a Junior Research Associate at the Institut de Physique Théorique Philippe Meyer at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, where he initiated the study of the statistical physics of language syntax. He joined the faculty at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in 2019.