Thursday, February 28, 2019 10:30 am
11:30 am
EST (GMT -05:00)

- Connect faculty members across campus who share common research interests, to which complex systems methods might usefully be applied
- Invite you to help envision a “Canadian Network for Complex Systems”
This event is for you if:
- You are interested in bringing a systems approach to your research, but are not sure where to start;
- You are an active complex-systems scholar looking for research partners;
- You are interested in identifying and contributing to thematic foci within WICI (such as but not limited to: complex health systems, risk and uncertainty analysis, coupled human-natural systems analysis, critical thresholds and transitions in complex systems, network analysis, etc.
- You are excited about prospects for building higher-scale complex systems networks across Canada and would like to contribute to that effort.
If you plan to attend, please send an e-mail to and quickly provide:
- Up to three academic disciplines which your work spans;
- Three application areas that describe your research
- Three methods that you use, or would like to use, in your work.
Please spread the word and bring your colleagues! We look forward to seeing you there.