Are you a university student interested in communication, collaboration networks and open source communities? Are you looking for a chance to win $500? Then WICI has a challenge for you!
In conjunction with John McLevey’s talk, WICI is hosting its first challenge of the 2014-2015 year.
We’re looking for short essays (1000-1500 words) about how the structure of communication and collaboration networks might shape the flow of innovative ideas in open source communities. Essays can include supporting data, graphics, or simple model examples to support their arguments. This challenge is open to students — undergraduate or graduate — at any accredited university.
The deadline for entries is January 10, 2015. The winning entry will receive $500.
Submissions will be judged by John McLevey and other WICI members.
All submissions must be thoroughly referenced and may be checked by plagiarism-detection software. References, graphics, and model demos are not included in the word count.
Due to the collaborative and open-source nature of this effort, a condition of the award will be publication of the winning entry under a Creative Commons license. This license allows the community to use and adapt the design while ensuring that the designer receives full attribution. The winner must also agree to share any data, software, or other scientific tools developed as a part of this challenge with the public via the WICI website. All entries will be subject to confidential peer-review evaluation. Unless submitter(s) recommend otherwise, WICI will hold entries that do not win in confidence.
To enter this challenge, please email your entry as an attachment in PDF format (double-spaced, 12-point font), or alternatively provide a web link, to with the subject line “WICI Collaboration Network Essay Competition.”
If you have any questions, please contact