2015 Summer Solstice
7th International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems
June 17-19, 2015, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
You are invited to submit an abstract and/or participate at the 2015 Summer Solstice International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems.
Complex systems are studied in many areas of natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and mathematical sciences. Discrete modelling in terms of cellular automata, lattice gas cellular automata, multi-agent based models, or networks represent the integral part of these interdisciplinary studies. These models can be seen as the simplest digital laboratories to study phenomena exhibited by complex systems like self-organization processes, pattern formation, co-operation, adaptation, competition, attractors, or multi-scale phenomena.
The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for presentation of research and for discussion of potential future directions and developments in the field of discrete modelling of complex systems and analysis of their dynamics. The conference will cover both theoretical and applied research and topics will include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- Challenges, benefits and theory of modelling and simulation of complex systems using cellular automata, lattice gas cellular automata, multi-agent based models, complex networks
- Discrete models in biology and medicine
- Discrete models in economy and social sciences
- Discrete models of man made complex systems from nanotechnology to information networks
- Tools of analysis of dynamics and multi-scale phenomena of discrete models of complex systems
The post-conference proceedings are planned and some financial support is available for graduate students to participate.
To submit an abstract, register or apply for support see: http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/14-15/complexsys15/
May 17, 2015 – contributed presentation abstract submission deadline
May 26, 2015 – notification if contributed presentation is accepted and if it is oral or poster
May 17, 2015 – application deadline for financial support
May 26, 2015 – notifications about receiving the financial support
September 21, 2015 – post-conference proceedings manuscript submission for referring
INVITED SPEAKERS: D. Ashlock (Univ. of Guelph, Canada); J. Baetens (Ghent Univ., Belgium); F. Bagnoli (Univ. of Florence, Italy); A. Deutsch (Tech. Univ. of Dresden, Germany); S. Drozdz (Polish Academy of Sc., Cracow, Poland); B. Farzad (Brock Univ., Canada); P. Flocchini (Univ. of Ottawa, Canada); R. Hoffmann (Tech. Univ. of Darmstadt, Germany); P. Lio (Univ. of Cambridge, UK); J. Mendes (Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal); R. J Mondragon (Queen Mary Univ. of London, UK); D. C. Parker (Univ. Waterloo, Canada); A. Rapisarda (Univ. of Catania, Italy); H. Thille (Univ. of Guelph, Canada); E. Thommes (GlaxoSmithKline Inc., Canada); B. Tadic (J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia); J. Was (AGH Univ. of Science and Tech.), Poland.
A. T. Lawniczak (Chair) Guelph, Canada alawnicz@uoguelph.ca
M. Cojocaru, Guelph, Canada mcojocar@uoguelph.ca
B. N. Di Stefano, Toronto, Canada bruno.distefano@nupteksystems.com
H. Fukś, Brock, Canada hfuks@brocku.ca
D. Makowiec, Gdansk, Poland fizdm@univ.gda.pl
G. Acampora (Nottingham, UK); F. Bagnoli (Florence, Italy); M. Boguna (Barcelona, Spain); M. Cojocaru (Guelph, Canada); B. Di Stefano (Nuptek Systems Ltd., Canada); N. Fates (INRIA, France); H. Fukś (Brock, Canada); E. A. Goles (Santiago, Chile); A. Krawiecki (Warsaw, Poland); A. T. Lawniczak (Guelph, Canada); D. Makowiec, (Gdansk, Poland); J. Mendes (Aveiro, Portugal); P. de Oliveira (São Paulo, Brazil); A. Rapisarda (Catania, Italy); R. Rechtman (México, Mexico); M. A. Serrano (Barcelona, Spain); B. Tadic (Ljubljana, Slovenia); B. Voorhees (Athabasca, Canada); G. A. Wainer (Ottawa, Canada); J. Yuan (Beijing, China).