Felix Reed-Tsochas is James Martin lecturer in complex systems at the Saïd Business School, director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Complexity, and a fellow of Green Templeton College.
Felix is also a founding co-director of the CABDyN Complexity Centre, where CABDyN stands for Complex Agent-Based Dynamic Networks. CABDyN was launched in 2003 to co-ordinate complex systems research activities across Oxford and to build bridges between different disciplines using tools such as agent-based modelling and complex network analysis. In addition Felix is a member of the Department of Sociology, and a research associate of the Networks Cluster at the Advanced Studies Centre of Keble College.
Felix’s academic background is in theoretical condensed matter physics, and his research focuses on developing an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the dynamical and functional properties of complex networks in different contexts, as well as the emergence of collective behaviour in complex systems.