Jim Jones is a PhD Candidate in Social and Ecological Sustainability at the University of Waterloo where he is conducting multidisciplinary research in the role of narratives in transitions towards sustainability through a social-ecological systems lens. Inspired by the works of Fritjof Capra, Morris Berman and Iain McGilchrist. Jim sees the sustainability crises as one of perception, an imbalance of reductionism over holism, quantity over quality, logos over mythos. Jim's work will explore the role of narrative as a tool to understand and work with complexity and 'wicked problems'. His thesis is focused within the nexus of land, energy, technology, food and culture, and the tensions that arise at different spatial and temporal scales. While theory suggests we face a choice between high tech/ land-sparing or low-tech/land-sharing futures, what might narratives tell us of the current patterns of these systems and their possible directions of adaptation?