Laurette Dubé holds the James McGill Chair of consumer and lifestyle psychology and marketing at the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University, and is the founding chair and scientific director of the McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE). She was originally trained as a nutritionist, with graduate degress in finances (MBA), marketing (MPS), and behavioural decision making/consumer psychology (PhD).
Laurette's research interests include the study of affects, behavioral economics, and neurobehavioral processes underlying consumption, lifestyle and health behavior, and how such knowledge can inspire more effective behavioral change and ecosystem transformation. For more than a decade, she has spearheaded the development of a person-in-systems-thinking approach that capitalizes on the digital transformation of science and society to acquire a mechanistic understanding of the diversity, interdependencies, and evolutionary nature of challenges and possibilities to advance solutions at scale to tackle complex challenges through individual and collective on-the-ground action, and transdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration.
Her books and scientific works have been published in the leading scientific journals of her field, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Management Information System Quarterly and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and her transdiciplinary work has been presented in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Her work has also been covered in general audience and business publications such as Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and The Economist.
Dr. Dubé received the YMCA Women of Distinction Award for the social sciences in 2011 and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.