
Procedure for Collecting TA Preferences 

Computational Math TA preferences are collected through a Qualtrics survey emailed to students by the CM Grad Coordinator. The survey asks students if they have previous experience as a TA and to pick their top two choices out of the list below (students have the option to pick two of the same choices).

1. Algebra - Core
2. Algebra - Service
3. Calculus - Core
4. Calculus - Service
5. Tutorial centre (algebra and calculus to Math and non-Math students)

Core courses are courses offered to Faculty of Mathematics students, while service courses are offered to students from other Faculties. Normally, first time graduate TAs will be assigned as markers to courses. More experienced TAs will be expected to run tutorials and answer students' questions.

Once students provide their preferences, a list of the choices are sent to MUO who then assigns each student to a position.

Please note that preferences will be taken into consideration, but TA assignments will be based on experience and current faculty needs.