Program progression

Below is a table that describes how the Computational Mathematics Master's program (research track) typically progresses during the year in the case of the standard 12-month program without co-op, the 16-month program with a one-term co-op placement, and the 20-month program with a two-term co-op placement.

Any changes to the typical program progression must be approved by the Graduate Officer.

Term No Co-op Co-op - One Term Co-op - Two Terms


3 courses & 2 TAs

3 courses & 2 TAs

Apply to transfer into co-op

3 courses & 2 TAs

Apply to transfer into co-op


3 courses & 2 TAs

3 courses & 2 TAs

Apply for co-op jobs

3 courses & 2 TAs

Apply for co-op jobs


Research term

Complete research project

Final term - apply to graduate

Co-op placement

Submit co-op work report

Co-op placement



Research term

Complete research project

Final term - apply to graduate

Co-op placement

Submit co-op work report



Research term 

Complete research project

Final term - apply to graduate