Director's Welcome

Welcome to the Centre for Computational Mathematics!

Waterloo's Centre for Computational Mathematics in Industry and Commerce was established in 2005 within the Faculty of Mathematics to promote interdisciplinary research and education in Computational Mathematics across the Faculty’s five academic units and the University.

Over the years the Centre has grown to become a vibrant focal point of Computational Mathematics research and education.

George Labahn

The Centre now counts about 80 affiliated faculty members from all five academic units of Waterloo's Faculty of Mathematics and from across the University. The Centre promotes Computational Mathematics research through an active colloquium series and facilitates research interactions with the public and private sector. The combined scientific output in Computational Mathematics research papers from the 80 affiliates, and the students and postdocs they supervise, make Waterloo a global research leader in Computational Mathematics.

The Centre offers world-class undergraduate and Master's programs in Computational Mathematics that give students an edge for their professional or research careers:

These degree programs provide students with the unique opportunity of gaining co-op work experience in reputable global companies as part of their studies (during 4-month full-time and well-paid work terms).

The current era is an exciting time for Computational Mathematics: with the unprecedented growth in computational power and the abundance of available data, Computational Mathematics methods can make tremendous contributions to breakthrough advances in our society that revolutionize areas such as finance, machine learning, medicine and climate research.

I invite you to explore the information we provide here about the Centre and its programs and I hope I will be able to welcome you as a participant in the activities and programs of the Centre.

George Labahn

Director, Centre for Computational Mathematics