Degree requirements

Official degree requirements for the Computational Mathematics (MMATH) program can be found in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar

Course requirements 

Exceptions to the normal program schedule or course requirements require approval by the Graduate Officer

Research Project Requirements

Students must undertake a four-month, independent, supervised research project culminating in a research paper and presentation.

For more information on the research paper and presentation requirements, please refer to the Research project and presentation guide.

Co-operative requirements

In order to get credit for co-op term(s), students must write a co-op work report, fill out the Milestone form, and submit these to their supervisor(s) for approval. The Graduate Officer must also approve.

For more information please see: Co-operative resources.

CM Master’s supervisor eligibility

  • Every supervisor and co-supervisor of a CM Master’s student must have an academic faculty-level appointment (possibly an adjunct appointment) at the University of Waterloo.
  • CM Master’s students must have a supervisor or at least one co-supervisor who is a CM affiliate, and either:
    • holds a regular academic appointment in the Math Faculty; or
    • is cross-appointed to a Math Faculty academic unit and has been approved to sole-supervise the student by the CM Director; or
    • has an adjunct appointment in a Math Faculty academic unit and has been approved to sole-supervise the student by the CM Director
  • co-supervisors who are not CM affiliates may apply for affiliate status if they have a research record in an area sufficiently related to computational mathematics and wish to apply