Frequently asked questions

What are the differences between Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, Pure Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics?

There are significant differences between these programs. Computer Science involves using computers to solve problems through the design and implementation of algorithms. Pure Mathematics deals with abstract math concepts and generally doesn't focus as much on applications as Applied or Computational Mathematics. Applied Mathematics deals with the applications of mathematics in various fields, such as biology or physics.

Computational Mathematics is a unique combination of all of these aspects, where you're required to be skilled in computer science and many advanced math and statistics topics to be able to solve problems which cannot be done by humans without computers.

How much does this undergraduate program cost?

Am I eligible for any scholarships or bursaries?

What can I expect in my first year?

In your first year at the Faculty of Mathematics you will take a common selection of math courses, called core courses, that every math student takes. These include Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Computer Science, together with electives for those students interested in Computational Mathematics.

What types of careers can I pursue after studying Computational Mathematics?

The following list provides examples of Computational Mathematics graduates at work:

  • Cyber security analyst, TD Bank Group
  • Data analyst, Maple Leaf Foods
  • Investment developer, The Equitable Life Insurance Company
  • Mobile application developer, IBM Canada Limited
  • Software engineer, Hockeystick Co.
  • System support officer, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General