Our Master's students

Master's Research Students

Student Name Supervisor(s) Email address
Palak Batra Michael Rubinstein p8batra@uwaterloo.ca
Sushma Dhamodharan Brian Ingalls & Marc Aucoin sdhamodh@uwaterloo.ca
Arshia Ebadi Chris Bauch a3ebadi@uwaterloo.ca
Somayeh Fouladi Sander Rhebergen & David Del Rey Fernandez sfouladi@uwaterloo.ca
Jonathan Gallagher Roberto Guglielmi & Derek Robinson j5gallag@uwaterloo.ca
Ding Li Chris Fletcher & Marek Stastna ding.li@uwaterloo.ca
Angelo Rajendram Vijay Ganesh aa3rajen@uwaterloo.ca
Amin Ravanbakhsh Ali Ghodsi


Ahnaf Ryan Chris Bauch & Chris Fletcher atryan@uwaterloo.ca
Wenxuan (Vincent) Zhang Peng Hu v39zhang@uwaterloo.ca 
Danyang Zhao Saeed Ghadimi d46zhao@uwaterloo.ca

The graduate students' Lab is located in MC 6478 at the University of Waterloo campus.