Conflict Assessment: Preparing Parties for Mediation

Marg van Herk-Paradis

Spring 2025 

9:00 am - 12:30 pm EST 

$695.00 + HST  (Check online registration for applicable price discounts)


REGISTRATION  (See registration form for application discounts)

This exciting workshop is offered ONLINE over four mornings and provides you with an in-depth opportunity to explore the issues and dynamics involved in working with conflicted parties prior to an intervention. You will discuss matters of screening and assessment and will work through a five-stage assessment model. This workshop is engaging, the role plays really are fun and those who have taken it consistently report that this workshop is a "must-take." 

Contents include

  • History of coaching and assessment
  • Review of listening and attending skills
  • Overview of the coaching and assessment model
  • Stage 1 - introduction
  • Stage 2 - hearing concerns (venting, identifying issues)
  • Role-plays (Stages 1-2)
  • Stage 3 - clarifying goals
  • Role-plays (Stages 1-3)
  • Screening and assessment issues
  • Stage 4 - preparing participants for intervention/coaching
  • Role-plays
  • Stage 5 - conclusion and follow-up
  • Putting it all together
  • Loose ends and conclusion