Graduate funding and awards database: Program: Arts: French Studies
A scholarship valued at $2,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in the Faculty of Mathematics or the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo with a demonstrated area of interest in computational rhetoric, computational analysis and/or generation of rhetoric and persuasive text.
Awards are available to full-time Faculty of Arts graduate students enrolled in a research-based masters or PhD program.
The Faculty of Arts Departmental Graduate Scholarships have been established to administer graduate student funding contributions received as part of the graduate funding package in Arts.
The Faculty of Arts Graduate Award has been established to provide financial support to eligible students as part of their graduate funding package in the Faculty of Arts.
Through a commitment of financial support from the Faculty of Arts, awards are available to encourage full-time and part-time graduate students to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research.
An award valued at $500 will be awarded to a student registered full-time in a master’s or doctoral program in French Studies in the Faculty of Arts.
An award valued at $500 will be awarded to a student registered full-time in their third term in either a master’s or doctoral program in French Studies in the Faculty of Arts.
The CGS Committee for the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities requests nominations annually. Gustave O. Arlt (1895-1986) was the first president of the Council of Graduate Schools, former faculty member and Dean of the Graduate School at UCLA, and a scholar of German language and literature. In 1971 he established the award that bears his name to provide recognition, each year, to a young scholar who has written a book that represents an outstanding contribution to scholarship in the humanities.
This scholarship will be presented annually to a graduate student in the Department of French Studies who has the best dissertation for the year.
In 2002, Mary Bales, MA English 1972, MA Philosophy 1973 and 2002 recipient of the Arts Alumni Achievement Award, established a scholarship for graduate students in the Faculty of Arts.
An award valued at $1,000 will be provided annually to a full-time graduate student registered in the Master’s or Doctoral program in the Department of French Studies in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo.The student must be working as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Nantes in France, or in some cases when this is not possible, the student will create a cultural report during their time in Nantes
Awards, valued between $500 - $2,000, are available annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Department of French Studies in the Faculty of Arts on the basis of academic performance while overcoming a significant personal challenge or crisis.
This scholarship will be used to enhance external scholarships like Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS),and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
The Warren Ober Awards for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student may be granted to graduate students who have made significant contributions to teaching within the Faculty of Arts.
The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars.
The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars.