2023 CyberTitan National Finals

Cyber titan logo

CPI is proud to have hosted the southern Ontario teams for the 2023 CyberTitan National Finals on May 8th.

In collaboration with Timothy King at ICTC-CTIC we were able to deliver a successful event for the four teams of Southern Ontario. Check out the results of the competition here.

A big thank you to Kyle Boyko and his organization InspireTech, as well as Rogers Communications, and Magnet Forensics for sponsoring the event at University of Waterloo.

If you are interested in supporting this competition or others like it in the future, connect with us at Contact CPI.


students competing

Please take a moment to read the CTV News article on this event here.

This video, "CyberTitan - Training the Cybersecurity Talent of Tomorrow", has a wealth of information and engagement from the event and its participants.

CyberTitan is one of Canada’s largest cyber defense competitions. The competition places teams of high school and middle school students in Canadian real world situations. The students are in the position of newly hired IT professionals. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a nine-hour period. From October to February, teams take part in the CyberPatriot competition and compete worldwide with other high school and middle school teams. The top 10 ranked Canadian Teams go head to head online for the coveted title of CyberTitan National Champions.

CPI, in conjunction with ICTC, hosted the four southern Ontarion teams on the University of Waterloo campus while they competed in this illustrious event. As part of CPI's commitment to addressing the cybersecurity talent gap and supporting students, CPI believes that encouraging young people to actively engage with cybersecurity and privacy issues at the high school and middle school level is crucial to stimulating the talent pipeline for post-secondary enrolment.

We would like to thank Rogers, Magnet Forensics, and InspireTech Canada for generously sponsoring this event, in part.

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magnet forensics logo
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