Thursday, March 26, 2020

MATLAB learning resources now available

A message from Information Systems & Technology (IST).

The University of Waterloo has obtained a site license for MATLAB and Simulink until June 30, 2020. All faculty, researchers, students and staff are eligible to download and install MATLAB on their personally-owned computers, university-issued computers, or use MATLAB Online in a web browser.

Please note that commercial use of MathWorks products is not covered by our Campus-Wide License; if you are using a commercial license, please continue to do so.

To download or use MATLAB online

  1. Go to the University of Waterloo’s MATLAB Portal.
  2. Click 'Sign in to get started' under the Get MATLAB and Simulink section.
    1. If you have an existing MathWorks account (set up with your email)use your email address to log in.
    2. If you do not have an existing MathWorks account, or your MathWorks account was not set up with a email address, create an account using your email address.
  3. Once your account is set up, you will be linked to our MATLAB license and will be able to:
    1. Download and activate software on your personal computer.
    2. Start using MATLAB Online from a Web browser without installing anything.

Where can I learn more?

  • Access free, self-paced training to get started in less than 2 hours: MATLAB Onramp.
  • If you have trouble installing MATLAB, go to the MATLAB Portal and click 'Need Installation Help' to get support.

Questions or concerns? 

Please contact

Just in time for spring, the Sunshine List

The University of Waterloo has released a list of the 1,676 employees who were paid more than $100,000 in 2019.

Public-sector employers in Ontario are required to publish the list every March since the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act was passed in 1996. Other universities, school boards, hospitals, colleges, municipalities, and the government itself are now making similar information for last year public.

The $100,000 list includes most of Waterloo's professors, and a number of staff members and senior administrators. It includes people employed by Renison University College, Conrad Grebel University College and St. Paul's University College.

In addition to the salary, a figure is given for taxable benefits received by each individual, for such extras as employer-paid life insurance.

Last year's salary disclosure is also available online.

As buildings are locked, some tips on safe access

Director of Safety Kate Windsor has circulated a memo to campus outlining how essential services will continue to be delivered.

"As you know, most campus buildings are now locked," Windsor writes. "Only a small number of buildings remain open for student access."

Access to buildings

"Employees who are performing critical functions and require access to their workspace must receive approval from their department head and ensure the necessary key/fob access is available," says Windsor's memo. "Researchers who have submitted requests for continuation of on-campus laboratory activities, and who are awaiting response on those requests, will receive information shortly on the outcome of the evaluation of their requests.  Building access, as required, for those approved to continue on-campus laboratory activities, will then be arranged promptly."  

If your department has employees that are physically present on campus on a regular basis, please contact Plant Operations so that services and maintenance schedules can be adjusted. In your email please include the following information:

Subject: [DEPT NAME] – campus presence

Date - Week of [March 23-27, 2020]

Department Name:

Number of employees present:

Building name:

Room numbers:

"Plant Operations will need to know your location of work and all other areas that you have accessed, so prompt cleaning can be scheduled. If you become ill while working on-campus, please notify Occupational Health immediately."

Preventive measures for on-campus employees

Any on-campus employees must continue to:

  • perform hand hygiene frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub (if hands are not visibly dirty) or with soap and water (if hands are dirty);
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
  • practice respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow or tissue and then immediately disposing of the tissue; and,
  • maintain a physical (social) distance (minimum of 2 m or 6 feet) from other individuals.

Custodial services

"Custodial services will be stopped in locked buildings once each area has been thoroughly cleaned. Only areas with approved active research or essential services will continue to receive cleaning service." 

"Likewise, waste removal will be reduced. In buildings that are open during the day, waste will be removed only from public areas. There will be no waste removal from private offices, lounges or kitchens. Employees are asked to place waste in containers in public areas. For those working in locked buildings, either take your waste home or place it in a dumpster outside."

Link of the day

15 years ago: The Office (yes, the American one)

When and Where it isn't

Please note: The University has suspended all in-person events until further notice. Please contact the event organizers to confirm whether the event has shifted to an online mode of delivery.

If you have listed an event with the Daily Bulletin and need to cancel, postpone or modify the listing, please send an email to

If you have an upcoming event that has not yet appeared in the When and Where listing, please send an email to to confirm the event's status.

University Senate meeting, Monday, March 30. Note: this meeting will take place online.

Map the System Campus Finals, “A global competition that challenges students to think differently about social and environmental change.” Monday, April 6, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.mPlease note: The top three teams and campus nominee for the Map the System Canadian finals in May (to be held online) will now be selected based on written submissions due at 6:59 p.m. EST on April 8.

Faculty Association Spring General Meeting, Tuesday, April 7, 12:00 p.m. Note: this event will take place online.

Nutrition Month "myth vs. fact"

Here's the latest Nutrition Month "myth vs. fact" supplied by Health Services Dietitian Sandra Ace:

Myth: You can boost your immune system by eating certain foods or taking supplements.

Fact: Nutrition misinformation is rampant at any time, but the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a further increase in unscrupulous marketing scams and untruths. Dietitians of Canada, in a March 17 position statement, declared “Simply put, you cannot ‘boost’ your immune system through diet and no specific food, supplement or natural health product will prevent you from catching COVID-19.” They also advise that the Canadian government has not approved any product to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19 and that selling unauthorized health products or making false or misleading claims is illegal in Canada. 

A strong immune system, while not a guarantee that you can fight off every dangerous threat, is an essential line of defense. Immunity is a result of your body’s ability to activate a complex linkage of specialized cells, organs and systems that work together to defend your body from attacks by infectious disease agents such as viruses and bacteria. Good nutrition is an essential component of this response. Many nutrients work together to support this system but there is no evidence that taking nutrition supplements offers any benefits against COVID-19.

Focus on what you can do to keep your diet as nutritious as possible. Canada’s Food Guide healthy plate is an easy-to-use and scientifically validated tool. At each meal, fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit, a quarter with a protein-rich food and the final quarter with a whole grain. While it may seem challenging with more limited shopping trips, try to choose a selection of vegetables and fruit – especially brightly coloured ones like dark leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, berries, peppers, broccoli and oranges. Frozen vegetables and fruit contain the same nutrients as fresh - keep several varieties stocked if you have room in your freezer.

Scroll down here for a list of nutritious foods to keep on hand so that you can continue to prepare balanced meals (from March 16, 2020 Daily Bulletin). There is no indication that our food supply will be affected significantly at this time; the biggest current threat is panic buying.

If you have specific nutrition needs, it is important that you continue to follow the dietary recommendations made by your dietitian, doctor or nurse practitioner, which may include the use of vitamin or mineral supplement for certain health conditions.