Job Posting: Ecology Lab Assistant

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

JOB: Ecology Laboratory Assistant

Work Placement Position S2017–you must qualify for OSAP

Apply at WaterlooWorks, will be posted Wed March 8 & Thurs March 9 only!

Faculty of Environment, Ecology Laboratory

Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday

The Ecology lab is the central teaching facility and resource centre available to all ENV students. ENV students use the facility throughout their academic career for environmental related courses and research. Field ecology, hydroclimatology, restoration ecology, and geomorphology are just a few courses that use the lab. A variety of theses research and course projects are conducted in the lab ranging from water quality and soil nutrient testing to plant and invertebrate identification and experimentation. The facility houses a reference library, herbarium, archive of project reports and both field and laboratory equipment for use in projects, theses and course work.

Description of duties:

  • Conduct water and soil nutrient analysis.
  • Assist students in identifying insects, plants, invertebrate and other fauna.
  • Conduct field and laboratory demonstrations of equipment and sampling protocols.
  • Develop and run outreach programs for prospective students.
  • Update and maintain equipment inventory and database.
  • Assist and attend field trips as needed.
  • Support ENV courses requiring field and lab services.
  • Maintain ecology lab web pages, collections and social media.
  • Perform regular landscaping maintenance of naturalized gardens surrounding EV buildings.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Completed Field Ecology (ENVS 200).
  • Knowledge of Ontario nature (flora, fauna, geology) and understanding of ecological concepts.
  • Energetic, enthusiastic, and willing to assist lab users.
  • Excellent oral communications skills to able to address large groups.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and balance work load in busy lab environment.
  • Interpersonal, conceptual, and organizational skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a team, follow and carry out instructions.
  • Ability to work outdoors, conduct field research and in lab analysis.
  • Assist lab users in identifying flora and fauna and willingness to learn new skills.
  • Willingness to help students with experiments and analysis.
  • Outdoor education experience an asset.
  • Proficient with geomatics software and GPS an asset.

Job description: Job Ecology Lab Assistant