Join us for a #gamification hangout with our Gamification 2013 conference chairs, featuring special guest, author and keynote speaker, Stephen Anderson! Follow and join the conversation using #gameit13.
Stephen Anderson is a sought-after speaker and consultant, and author of Seductive Interaction Design. He will be presenting a post-conference workshop on October 4th.
Your hangout hosts:
Moderated by Neil Randall of the University of Waterloo Games Institute, with questions and commentary from Lennart Nacke of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology GAMER Lab, and University of Waterloo Professor of Computer Game Design Kevin Harrigan!
We’ll be broadcasting live using Google+ Hangout on Air. Join in the conversation with your questions and comments over social media using #gameit13, the official hashtag of the Gamification 2013 conference.
A recording will be available post-event.
Call for Presentations: deadline for short papers and industry speaker proposals is August 8.
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