Susan Elliott selected to receive mentorship excellence award
Susan Elliott is being recognized for her outstanding work in scholar mentorship in the field of allergic disease with the 2019-20 Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award.
Susan Elliott is being recognized for her outstanding work in scholar mentorship in the field of allergic disease with the 2019-20 Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award.
Congratulations to GoHelP's Emily Shantz and Shawna O'Hearn on the successful completion of their oral comprehensive exams. Emily's exam discussed the role of epigenetics in the social determinants of health while Shawna's discussed water security. Way to go Emily and Shawna!
Congratulations to GoHelP's Elizabeth Ochola on the successful defence of her PhD entitled, "The impact of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) on health and wellbeing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A case study of Kenya". A copy will be available online soon. Way to go Liz!
A huge congratulation goes to GoHelP's Samantha Biglieri on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation on the creation of dementia-friendly neighbourhoods. Way to go Sam!
Congratulations to Leia Minaker on her co-authored paper titled, "Development of a teen-informed coding tool to measure the power of food advertisements". The article is part of the special issue Health promotion: Physical activity and nutrition behaviours in children and youth, and is available online.
GoHelP's Jennifer Dean publishes a new paper in collaboration with Toronto Public Health titled, Holding the keys to health? A scoping study of the population health impacts of automated vehicles. Congratulations Jennifer!
Leia Minaker's co-authored paper titled, Is cancer prevention influenced by the built environment? A multidisciplinary scoping review has been published in Cancer. Congratulations Leia!
A huge congratulations to GoHelP's Andrea Rishworth for successfully defending her final PhD thesis on Monday September 9th, 2019! A copy of her final thesis, 'Inequalities in health and wellbeing among elderly populations: A case study of Central Uganda' will soon be available for viewing online. Way to go Andrea!
Andrea Rishworth, PhD candidate and Queen Elizabeth Scholar, writes report for research partner Reach One Touch One Uganda. As part of the co-production of knowledge and meaningful partnerships, Andrea has provided ROTOM with a copy of research results that they can now use to advocate for the needs of the seniors they serve.
On July 1, Professor Jennifer Dean began her first term as Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Public Health. In this role Jennifer will promote high-quality research on environment and health to the local and national public health community.