Survey launched to collect feedback on LEARN (D2L Brightspace) learning management system

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

What is happening? The contract for D2L Brightspace (LEARN), the University's current Learning Management System, will expire October 31, 2023. The approaching end of this LMS contract provides an opportune time to conduct a review of the LEARN environment to better understand how the system may or may not be meeting the needs and expectations of the campus community. 

LMS Review survey: You are invited to provide your feedback on the LEARN environment and your experience using the platform via the LMS Review survey. The survey results, in addition to other project consultations and review activities, will inform a recommendation for moving forward with Waterloo’s LMS environment, including an approach to licensing and resources to support a transition, should the University change LMS vendors. 

About the survey: Hosted in Qualtrics, the survey will be available from Wednesday, October 5 to Friday, October 21, 2022, and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and confidential. Any reports will include only summarized data, ensuring no individual can be identified. Please follow this link to access and complete the survey.

Learn more about this project: Visit the LMS Review project web page to learn more about this work and view a recording of the LMS Review project information session held September 22, 2022.