National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The University of Waterloo participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The survey is administered by the Indiana University Centre for Post-secondary Research to undergraduate students in their first-year and graduating year, and measures the degree to which students are engaged in their academics and other educationally purposeful activities.

The following University of Waterloo’s results are available below (beginning with the 2014 survey):

  • Engagement Indicators reports: presents Waterloo’s results on NSSE's 10 engagement indicators compared to other peer institution groups.
  • Frequencies and Statistical Comparisons reports: presents Waterloo's respondent counts, percentages, and mean comparisons for all survey items (except demographics) compared to other peer institution groups.
Results are typically available by Faculty and Program. If you are interested in survey results, please send a request to IAP through the Survey data request form.

NSSE 2020

NSSE 2017

NSSE 2014