Staff International Experience Fund (SIEF)

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the SIEF program will be paused. Please continue to visit our opportunities website for the most up-to-date funding opportunities.

The Staff International Experience Fund (SIEF) provides an opportunity for University staff members to travel internationally for professional development.

Successful applicants will travel to one to two host institutions in one or two countries abroad for a duration of 1-1½ weeks. It grants a maximum of $7,500 to up to three successful applicants.

For more information, contact Aisha Shibli, International Funding Opportunities Manager.


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be employed as regular full-time staff (as defined by Policy 54).
  • Be in a position classified under the University Support Group (USG) salary structure.

Staff may not apply if:

  • They have previously received a SIEF award from the University of Waterloo or
  • Their organizational unit is Waterloo International.


SIEF award recipients are expected to visit one to two international institutions in one to two countries for a period of travel is 1 to 1½ weeks.

SIEF recipient activities must:

  • Benefit the University's international engagement through collaborative work with the host institution(s).
  • Align with the University of Waterloo’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025.
  • Provide professional development that benefits their current role at the University.

Applicants are free to propose any university in the world however, priority will be given to applicants selecting comparable universities to the University of Waterloo in terms of academic strength and values in higher-priority countries. The list of priority countries is available to prospective applicants upon request.

Finding a host institution

At Waterloo International, we understand that applicants may not have connections to international institutions from whom they can learn. We encourage applicants to conduct their own research to identify host institutions with which they could potentially engage in learning activities. Applicants do not need to contact potential host institutions as part of the application process. 

If an applicant would like to know more about an institution, we can provide information about our activities and connections, if any, with that particular university and seek an introduction for you from their international office.

Please provide the following information:

  • Name of country and potential institution(s)
  • Program/activity/initiative of interest to you
  • State of your ‘relationship’ with that office/institution (if any)


Successful applicants must fulfill the following requirements:

Before departure:

  • Communicate virtually with the host institution prior to the visit to create a clear plan of activities during the trip.
  • Submit the list of proposed activities to Waterloo International for review.
  • Register their travel with Safety Abroad.
  • Review final plans and arrangements with Waterloo International prior to departure.

Upon return:

  • Prepare a report (2-3 pages) outlining what they did, when they did it, where they travelled, who they met, etc. as well as what they hoped to achieve, what they achieved, lessons learned, etc.
  • Participate in an interview for an online story about their international experience.
  • Participate in a presentation about their international experience.
  • Engage in follow-up engagement with the host institution(s), as well as potentially exploring a reciprocal visit by one of the host institution(s) members to Waterloo.

*Please note - the award recipient’s home unit will receive a financial transfer and manage the expense claim, in accordance with departmental standards and institutional policy.


SIEF information session – May 24, 2023, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (via Teams)

Deadline to request information on prospective approved institutions – June 9, 2023

Institutional information provided to applicants by Waterloo International – July 7, 2023

Deadline to submit the application – July 21, 2023

Notification to applicants selected for an interview – August 4, 2023

Interviews – August 14-18, 2023 (virtual or in-person)

Notification to successful applicants – August 25, 2023

Completion of travel – March 30, 2024

Completion of all SIEF conditions – April 30, 2024


The application requires the following items:

1) Completed SIEF application form including required signatures.

2) Two-page proposed plan that includes:

  • How the activities will have an impact on internationalization at the University of Waterloo.
  • How the activities align with the University’s strategic plan.
  • How this professional development experience will enhance the staff member’s current role at the University.
  • What challenges may be encountered and how to overcome these challenges.

3) A letter of support co-signed by the applicant’s supervisor and their Executive Council member is required. In this letter, the two co-signatories must confirm their understanding of the following:

  • The staff recipient will be required to work with the host institution(s) in advance of, and after, travel. This will be considered part of the award recipient’s normal working hours.
  • The award recipient will be away for this international experience and will continue to be paid during their time away.
  • The award recipient’s home unit will consider hosting a member or members from the host institution(s), providing they are self-financing. Waterloo International would help to coordinate this arrangement.

Applicants will be notified by email after the selection committee reviews submitted applications and selects candidates to move forward with an interview.

The interview process will include a five-minute presentation by the applicant outlining the reasons for the selected host institution(s) and how it fulfills the fund’s intended purpose (refer to “fund details” above). The presentation will be followed by questions posed to the applicant by the selection committee.

Submit applications to Aisha Shibli, International Funding Opportunities Manager.


The SIEF selection committee will evaluate applicants based on the potential impact the international experience will have on their work upon their return and on the following elements:

Meets requests:

  • The applicant has provided all information requested in a clear and coherent manner.

Feasibility (of execution):

  • What is the likelihood that the plan outlined will be able to be implemented/executed as described?

Likelihood of impact:

Selection of institution:

  • Did the applicant select an institution that is comparable to the University of Waterloo? Is it from a “priority” country?


  • The applicant clearly presents their intended activities and how it will benefit their current role at the University of Waterloo. Questions asked will be evaluated by the selection panel.

Other factors:

  • Does the applicant normally travel internationally to advance their work goals at the University of Waterloo?

* Applicants who do not typically travel internationally for University of Waterloo business will be given preference during the selection process.

Other notes and items


Q: How many applications are normally received?

A: The number of applications received varies from year to year. Waterloo International wants to encourage the widest spread of applicants possible.

Q: When is travel expected to take place?  

A: Travel can begin as promptly as ‘possible’, with your supervisor(s)’ approval, your host institution’s schedule, etc. 

Q: Do staff that are more senior get a preference when it comes to applying?

A: No, the SIEF is open to all staff, with the aim of encouraging international travel. Seniority does not determine the success of one’s application. The fund was created to provide those who might not necessarily have the chance to embark on international travel to do so.

Q: Is there a destination preference?

A: No. While past recipients have focused largely on the UK, Europe, and Australia, expressing interest to go to these locations will not render an application unsuccessful. Please keep in mind that Waterloo International wants to encourage travel to other destinations as well. 

Q: What does the SIEF cover?

A: Travel expenses, including

  • economy air travel and ground transportation
  • accommodations and meal allowances
  • visa costs

Q: For successful applicants, how long do they have to use the fund and travel?

A: All funds must be used by the end of the budget year.

Q: Can the successful applicant use personal funds or additional financial support for their mobility opportunity?

A: Yes. In fact, personal funds or additional financial support may be required. Matching or contributing funds may be available to the applicant through professional development funds, external sources and/or through financial support from the applicant’s department or faculty.

Q: What happens once I'm approved?

A: All travel and visa arrangements will be made by the employee. Employees are responsible to ensure that necessary visa arrangements are made in sufficient time to undertake approved travel. Paid travel that cannot be completed due to lack of appropriate visa or other requirements will not be eligible for reimbursement. Once you have been approved, Waterloo International will be in contact to assist you with the next steps.

Q: Who is on the selection committee?

A: The selection committee is comprised of individuals from different departments. For more information, please contact Waterloo International.