_Service catalogue - Teaching labs

Summary:  MFCF provides full lifecycle support of teaching labs. This includes providing furniture, end point computing devices, physical environment (heating, lighting, etc.), a suitable working environment (low noise, no bad behavior).

Why do you want this service: The teaching labs are available to faculty and students to complete assignments and other teaching related computations.

What do you need before you use this service: Requirements for students to complete course work. 

What do you get when you use this service: A room with furniture and end point computing devices.

What is included in this service: A room with tables, chairs, and thin client computers.

Conference organizers may arrange for attendees to use the labs and get the same service and resources as students.

What is not included with this service: Audio/visual equipment. Services provided by Information Systems & Technology (IST) (e.g. wireless networking).

How to use this service:

MFCF computer labs

Where can you use this service: The labs rooms are posted in the MFCF Help Centre.

When can you use this service:

The standard service level terms apply.

The capacity of each lab is posted in the Help Centre. When labs are near capacity, the performance of teaching systems (e.g. linux servers, terminal services) may be reduced.