MFCF computer labs

MFCF operates computer labs on the third floor of the Mathematics and Computing building (MC) and the second floor of Mathematics and Computing 3 (M3).

Room       Platform    Seats       Description

MC3004    Windows       20      Rotman Interactive Trader

MC3004    Windows         6      Bloomberg

MC3008    Thin Client     32      access to Windows (Nexus) and Linux

MC3010    Thin Client     15      access to Windows (Nexus) and Linux

MC3011                                     wireless docking and collaboration space

M32102     Thin Client     22     access to Windows (Nexus) and Linux

M32103                                     wireless docking and collaboration space

M32119      Thin Client    16      access to Windows (Nexus) and Linux

The computers in these labs provide the user with a choice of either a Windows or a Linux environment. Each environment comes with various mathematical software.

Additionally, the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) operates several computer labs on the third floor of MC.


  • to use the computers maintained by MFCF the user requires only valid Nexus credentials
  • to use the computer maintained by CSCF the user must either be a student registered in Computer Science or be currently enrolled in a Computer Science course within the Faculty of Mathematics

Booking a lab

MFCF computer lab 3008 and 3010 can be booked for classes, conferences, and other events. To book a lab, have your organizer submit a request and include the following information:

  • who wants to book the lab
  • date and times, or if it's a term booking for a course
  • purpose for booking the lab