Services for Visitors
MFCF computer labs in the Mathematics & Computing Building (MC)
Information on the standard faculty, staff and graduate student computing accounts
MFCF provided mathematical, productivity and programming software on managed machines and servers
MFCF provided mathematical, productivity and programming software on managed Macs
Linux research servers for tasks that need special computing resources, such as GPU servers and HPC clusters.
Accounts given to short-term visitors of the Faculty of Mathematics
Accessing ethernet connections for your laptop on campus
Accessing the wireless network on campus
The Teaching Labs are available for use by conference attendees
MFCF Help is the customer contact for computing support from MFCF
MFCF provides full lifecycle support of network printers used by the non-student community
The central research environment includes the service of providing Linux computing resources that can be accessed from multiple platforms
MFCF will assist researchers who buy their own equipment
Windows Remote Desktop Services (including Remote Application Services) provides users access to Windows computing resources from multiple platforms
Storage is provided for home folders and departmental network drives depending on the intended use for teaching, research, or administration