Software - Undergraduate

Undergraduate students have access to a wide variety of software applications on the student Windows servers, and/or student Linux servers. Some of these applications are listed below.

Application Name Platforms More info
Adobe Reader Linux, Windows  
Bloomberg Windows Six machines in MC3004 lab
Requires a Bloomberg account so create one if necessary
Capital IQ Linux, Windows, MacOS Capital IQ is a web application and can be accessed from anywhere using your UW credentials
Access is granted only for students in certain courses
CPLEX Linux, Windows  
Julia Linux, Windows  
Jupyter notebook server Linux, Windows web-based access to interactive documents and applications
LaTeX Linux (TeX Live), Windows (MikTeX)
LibreOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, etc. Linux, Windows  
Maple Linux, Windows
MATLAB Linux, Windows
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel Windows  
Minitab Windows restricted to certain courses
Octave Linux, Windows  
R Linux, Windows  
Racket Linux, Windows  
Rotman Interactive Trader Windows Twenty machines in MC3004 lab
Client download
Instructors will create cases on
The default port is 10000 but instructors might use different ports
Sage Linux  
Stata Windows restricted to certain courses