An interdisciplinary forum for graduate student research

With a focus on aging research, Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR) is a one-day meeting for engaging with graduate student research beyond disciplinary and professional boundaries, and across areas of expertise. SoAR encourages graduate students from any discipline to present, dialogue, and learn about current research on processes, experiences, and systems related to aging. The interdisciplinary SoAR is an opportunity for graduate students to network across disciplines and professions, initiate trans-departmental collaborations, and engage in integrative conversations on aging research.
Abstract submissions are now closed. Thank you to everyone who has made a submission for SoAR 2019!
Registration is now closed. Check back on our main page for details for SOAR 2020.
Please contact SoAR at with any questions.
Keynote speaker: Barb Jones

Barb Jones is a Registered Clinical Social Worker currently working as clinical lead with Hospice of Waterloo Region. She has experience in many sectors including: end of life and bereavement counselling, the violence against women sector, working with federally sentenced women, homelessness and resource insecurity, children’s mental health (Indigenous and mainstream), elder care and child welfare. Barb works from a wholistic and anti-oppressive/anti-racist framework that is embedded in respect and compassion. Barb has been passionate throughout her career about working to ensure community agencies are positive and safe spaces and are welcoming of people from every walk of life. More recently she has been involved with Aging with Pride (Spectrum Rainbow Space) and is also involved in a Positive Space Initiative at Hospice of Waterloo Region. Barb facilitated, with the guidance of an Elder Advisory Committee, an Urban Aboriginal Palliative Care Needs Assessment funded by the Waterloo Wellington LHIN. Barb is a partner, mother and grandmother. She is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University's MSW Indigenous Field of Study, University of Waterloo (Renison College University) BSW and University of Waterloo BA, Psychology.
Schedule for May 1, 2019
Time | Event(s) | Location |
8:00 - 8:45 | Registration | Breakfast | Poster Set-up | AHS Expansion Building Foyer |
8:45 - 9:00 | Welcome Address | AHS 1689 |
9:00 - 10:00 | Poster Rapid-fire Presentations | AHS 1689 |
10:00 - 10:30 | Poster Session | Networking Break | AHS Expansion Building Foyer |
10:30 - 12:00 | Podium Presentations | AHS 1689 |
12:00 - 12:50 | Lunch | Poster Session | AHS Expansion Building Foyer |
12:50 - 2:05 | Podium Presentations | AHS 1689 |
2:05 - 2:30 | Poster Session | Networking Break | AHS Expansion Building Foyer |
2:30 - 3:30 | Keynote Address by Barb Jones | AHS 1689 |
3:30 - 3:45 | Awards | Closing Remarks | AHS 1689 |