At a public event, the Bloomington Cove culture change coalition celebrated their successes and shared their aspiration statements with family, residents, staff, community partners and administration.
Bloomington Cove Care Community was one of the first Culture Change Coalitions (CCCs) established as part of the Partnerships in Dementia Care (PiDC) Alliance.
It is one of very few dementia specific long term care homes across Ontario.
The Bloomington Cove CCC is comprised of residents, frontline staff, family members, managerial staff, and representatives from the PiDC Alliance.
The group is currently working through the Delivery phase where they will develop and commit to an action plan with the purpose of beginning to realize the aspiration statements that were developed in Dream.
If you live or work in the Whitchurch-Stouffville region, we welcome you to join our Culture Change Coalition. For more information, please contact Bloomington Cove Care Community
What does the ideal future of dementia care at Bloomington Cove Care Community look like?
Our Aspiration Statements
After gathering stories from many within the Bloomington Cove Care Community, including residents, family members and staff, about what an ideal care experience would look like, the coalition worked together to create Aspiration Statements. These statements are meant to guide us as we work to enhance dementia care at Bloomington Cove.
Bloomington Cove Aspiration Statements (PDF)
Aspiration Statement # 1: Bloomington Cove is a place where people come to live freely.
Living freely is living with the dignity that comes with feeling “at home” in every part of our lives. Bloomington Cove supports living freely by being responsive to the needs and choices of its residents, family members, and staff. When we are living freely, there are opportunities for everyone to learn and contribute to the life of the home. Mealtimes have a pleasing family atmosphere. There are ongoing and multiple meaningful activities—both structured and unstructured – that residents can join in whenever and however they like. Residents, family members, and staff have fun, laugh, and socialize together. Everyone feels relaxed and safe because personal spaces are private and secure and social spaces are safe, comfortable, and include access to the outdoors.
Aspiration Statement #2: Bloomington Cove demonstrates respect and supports dignity for all residents, family and staff, who are all valued.
Feeling respected and valued is more than words. Bloomington Cove shows how everyone (residents, family members, and staff at all levels) is valued and respected through clear actions. Bloomington Cove has created a home where everyone feels appreciated and has opportunities to make contributions that are recognized and supported. There is a strong sense of pride and satisfaction felt at Bloomington Cove. Bloomington Cove embraces and recognizes diversity and supports individual needs and abilities with patience, compassion, respect, and fairness. Residents, family members, staff and volunteers all have a voice and are included in decision-making. Feeling valued and respected stems from nurturing close, trusting, emotionally engaged and consistent relationships based on teamwork and support.
Aspiration Statement #3: Bloomington Cove values and nurtures open, honest, accessible and timely communication.
Family, staff and residents are aware of staff roles and responsibilities and of the values, wishes, history, and interests of each other. Communication is consistent and information is available for all residents, staff, families and the community. Staff members communicate with one another, family members and residents in a way that recognizes residents’ rights to confidentiality and honours family relationships. The staff at Bloomington Cove is committed to being open and to providing and receiving feedback. Individuals respond to feedback with clear action. Staff and families have the time, knowledge, and training they need to care well because formal and informal training is ongoing. Information is shared in many creative, accessible, and interactive ways.
Aspiration Statement #4: Bloomington Cove is committed to embracing partnerships and building enduring relationships.
Caring and loving relationships among staff, families, and residents make Bloomington Cove feel like home because we know we belong. Shared social activities that are joyful and fun build strong friendships and partnerships, not only with residents, family and staff, but with the broader community. Staff, residents, families, and other care partners feel pride in their connections with Bloomington Cove and know that they make a difference. Lasting relationships are supported by consistency in staffing. Staff members are empowered and strengthen partnerships as they share in the growth of Bloomington Cove’s community. Strong relationships mean that residents, staff and family look out for each other and work to keep each other informed. These strong relationships nurture the spirit and work to reach the core of each resident.