St. Elizabeth Personal Support Workers Dianne Cook and Lianne VanDeWetering share a laugh during a meeting
The Huron County Partners for Dementia Support is a diverse group of several community care organizations and their clients based in Huron County.
HC Partners for Dementia Support Information Sheet
The group includes:
- representatives from the South West Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
- Saint Elizabeth Health Care
- The Alzheimer Society of Huron County
- One Care Home and Community Support Services
- Willow HomeCare
- PiDC Alliance researchers from The University of Windsor, and the University of Waterloo.
Working with researchers from the Partnerships in Dementia Care (PiDC) Alliance Research team, the group worked on creating aspiration statements for their community.
What does the ideal future of dementia care at Huron County look like?
Our Aspiration Statements
After gathering stories from many within Huron County, including residents, family members and staff, about what an ideal care experience would look like, the Huron County Culture Change Coalition worked together to create Aspiration Statements. These statements are meant to guide the work to enhance dementia care within Huron County.
Aspiration Statement # 1: Relationships are at the heart of dementia care in Huron County.
In Huron County the dementia care experience happens in collaboration rather than in isolation. Everyone, including people living with dementia, engage in strong reciprocal relationships in which people feel valued, loved, respected and heard. Individuals and organizations work cooperatively. Everyone involved in the dementia care process knows that they have support and the time to have fun, enjoy time spent together and find joy and humour in the everyday. Valued relationships are sustained and supported as persons with dementia transition between and within care experiences. People living with dementia are equal members of our community whose humanity and personhood are valued.
Aspiration Statement #2: In Huron County, people involved in dementia care are actively and meaningfully engaged in their care experiences and in the life of their communities.
In Huron County persons with dementia have choices both within their home and community. All programs for persons with dementia and their family partners are fully funded and accessible. As a person progresses through the dementia journey their individuality is respected and their changing interests and abilities are valued.
Family care partners are active and welcome advocates and are supported through access to sufficient relief including respite and social opportunities. Family members and persons with dementia feel comfortable and heard in their interactions with their medical staff and they know that care providers collaborate to provide integrated care that respects their confidentiality.
All community members interact comfortably with persons with dementia and actively work to break down the barriers of stigma around dementia. Persons with dementia are valued members of the community wherever they make their home.
Aspiration Statement #3: In Huron County people involved in dementia care are confident, knowledgeable and dedicated.
In Huron County everyone can access readily available and current information about dementia. This knowledge provides building blocks for a compassionate, positive care experience. Our knowledge and dedication contribute to an overall feeling of satisfaction because we enjoy the care experience and feel fulfilled when we are part of it.