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Sherry L. Dupuis, PhD
Co-Principal Investigator, PiDC Alliance; Professor

519-888-4567 x36188
University of Waterloo, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, BMH 2205 - 200 University Ave West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Link to profile:
Sherry L. Dupuis, Profile
Carrie McAiney, PhD
Co-Principal Investigator, PiDC Alliance; Schlegel Research Chair in Dementia; Associate Professor

519-888-4567 x35642
University of Waterloo, School of Public Health and Health Systems, LHN 3728 - 200 University Ave West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Link to profile:
Carrie McAiney, Profile
Jennifer Carson, PhD
Research Assistant Professor; Director

University of Nevada, Community Health Sciences & Gerontology Academic Program, Lombardi Recreation Center (LR) Room 235, 1664 North Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89557
Link to profile:
Jennifer Carson, Profile
Lorna de Witt, RN, PhD
Assistant Professor

519-253-3000 x 2286
University of Windsor, Faculty of Nursing Room 304, Toldo Health Education Centre 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Link to profile:
Lorna de Witt, Profile
Jenny Ploeg, RN, PhD
Professor emeritus, School of Nursing, McMaster University

Link to profile:
Jenny Ploeg, Profile
Lisa Meschino, PhD
PiDC Alliance; Research Project Coordinator, Thinking Rock Community Arts

Link to personal webpage:
Lisa Meschino, PhD
Kim Lopez, PhD
Assistant Professor

519-888-4567 x 32009
University of Waterloo, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, BMH 2211 - 200 University Ave West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Link to profile:
Kimberly J. Lopez, Profile
Sian Lockwood, M.L.I.S.
Knowledge Translation Specialist, PiDC Alliance

519-888-4567 ext. 36188
Susan G. Brown, M.Sc.
Director of Research Coordination and Research-Practice Integration

519-904-0660 x4105
Research Institute for Aging, Schlegel Centre for Learning, Research & Innovation in Long Term Care, 250 Laurelwood Drive Waterloo, ON N2J 0E2
Link to profile:
Susan Brown, Profile
Darla Fortune, PhD
Assistant Professor

514-848-2424 x2261
Concordia University, Department of Applied Human Sciences, L-VE 331-04 Vanier Extension, 7141 Sherbrooke W. Montreal, Quebec
Link to profile:
Darla Fortune, Profile